Traditions Tours

What is a Traditions Tour?

We have wonderful information about the teachings of Christ from the scriptures, but very little information regarding the details about Jesus Christ himself and his family. We have 4 Gospels in the standard New Testament, but many other apostles and witnesses wrote “gospels” or testimonies of their experiences with Jesus. In addition, folk tales, myths and legends have been passed down by word of mouth for centuries.

These stories have permeated science, poetry, art and music throughout the ages. These ideas and teachings are what we call the “Traditions of Christ”. We have framed several tours based on these “traditions” that give guests the opportunity to discover for themselves what of these myths, legends, and other extra-biblical ideas have truth in them. 

Other Traditions Tours include those of the Knights Templar, Mary Magdalene, Apostle Paul, Joan of Arc, and other significant figures who have safeguarded Christianity in their lives.

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